American Association for Chinese Studies 


Papers and Presentations 2010

Li Ang’s Matrix: Fiction, Feminism, Politics, and Personality in a Paradigmatic Taiwanese Woman’s Life


Cai, Kevin Cross-Taiwan Straights Relations: A Challenge for Beijing and Taipei

Chang, Wen-Yang Free Market Economy, Dispute Duration, and Its Implications for the Cross-Strait Relations

Chow, Peter Asymmetric Financial Developments and Global Economic Imbalances:
A Lucas Paradox between the U.S. and China

Clark, Cal and Tan, Alexander Taiwan’s Increasingly Boxed-in Economy

Culver, Anika The Lure of Artistic Vision and Commercial Prerogative: A Japanese Artist’s Vision of Manchukuo, 1935 and 1943

Fetzer, Joel and Millan, Brandon Economics, Ethnicity, and Immigration Attitudes in Singapore

Fetzer, Joel An Annotated Translation of Chinese Letters from the Ah Louis Family of San Luis Obispo, California

Hong, Tsai-Lung The Rhetoric, Reality and Implications of ECFA

Jenn-hwan Wang How Does China Restructure Global Production Networks?

Kim, Jihyun Anna The Rise of China and Its Effects on Regional Nuclear Orders: A Comparative Analysis of China's Foreign Policy toward Iran and North Korea

Lai, Delin Dafen Art Museum, Wall, Public Sphere, and Chinese Architecture as a Medium

Larus, Elizabeth Taiwan after the Global Financial Crisis: Where do we go from here?

Lee, Li Hua A Study on Macroeconomic Effect of Fiscal Policy by Sign

Li, Ingrid The Commitment Problem and Property Rights: Evidence from China

Liang, Haitao The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: Do Different Average Income Levels Matter?

Lin, Abraham Integration of Commercial Banking between Taiwan and China after MOU and ECFA: Efficiency and Strategic Analysis

Lin, Scott The Transformation of Taiwan from a Sovereign-Centric State to a Structural Competition-State

McBeath, Gerald Confucianism as an Environmental Ethic?

Palm, Daniel Struggling Over Googling: Chinese National Interest, Political Ideology, and the 2010 Google Dispute.

Qin, Ying The Purple Lady and Blessings of Fertility

Sanborn, Howard Democracy at Work: Political Participation in Taiwan

Shi, Mingzheng From Central Axis to Riverfront Bund: Comparing Beijing and Shanghai’s Urban Morphology through History

Uhalley, Steven Perspectives on the China-U.S. Space “Rivalry”

Wang, Bo Prospect for Change in China’s Climate Change Policy

Wu, Chong-han (Charles) A Study of Conflict Escalation between Democratic and Non-Democratic Dyads

Yang, Monica Outward Foreign Direct Investment Strategies by Firms from Emergent Markets: Literature Review

Yoo, In Tae Forming Economic Cooperation through Preferential Trade Agreements

Zhang, Ping and Lin, Phylis Lan The Feasibility of Building Service-Learning Experience into Higher Education Curriculum in China

Zhang, Zhenqing Power, Ideology and Economic Interests: The Operation of Copyright Policy on the Chinese Wonderland

Zheng, Dai Chang Migration and Urban Environmental Problems in China